METALtech uk 4 day working week proves a success and shows a noteworthy increase in productivity

In 2019, we conducted a trial of implementing a four-day working week for our site teams, with the goal of increasing productivity. Our findings indicated that Fridays were significantly less productive compared to working from Monday to Thursday. Encouraged by the positive results of the trial, we made the decision to roll out this approach across our entire company.
As we reflect on this change after a year, we have witnessed significant improvements not only in our employees’ well-being but also in our overall business model.
With our employees at the forefront, we aim to create a positive environment that encourages collaboration, creativity, and innovation. To accommodate a better work-life balance, our team now works longer hours from Monday to Thursday, allowing our employees an additional day for their personal lives.
Since implementing our new working model, we’ve noticed several significant benefits:
❇️ Cost Savings
❇️ Increased Productivity
❇️ Happier Employees
❇️ Better Work-life Balance